Turning Clutter into Cash
Are you in need of extra cash or are you just needing to to organize your home? A great way to accomplish both is to turn clutter into cash by finding ways to sell your disposable stuff that is taking up space in your living room, bedroom, or lost in the attic.
- Garage sales. Garage sales are a favorite pass time for many people to unload their homes of items no longer in use. Entering every room of your home with a new set of eyes is helpful. Look inside your closets, browse throughout all your rooms, look inside your attics and garage for items that can be sold. Producing a productive and financially successful garage sale takes time, organization, and patience. Allot sufficient time to organize for preparing for your garage sale. Purchase adhesive tags for writing jotting down prices for your garage sale items.
- Flea markets. Flea markets are another source for selling your things. Flea markets charge minimal fees for putting a table for selling your wares.
- Online. If you enjoy working online, online auctions allow people to sell their items via the World Wide Web. Click your way into some extra dollars by using technology. Numerous Websites offer opportunities to sell anything from books to large furniture items. Attaching photos of your unwanted things enhances your chances of getting them sold.
- Second hand stores. Consignment stores are another resource for selling clothes, furniture, and jewelry. These stores will provide you a percentage of the money collected when your things sell. Make sure you educate yourself well with the terms and conditions of the consignment store you work with to sell your things. Pawn shops are another source for selling unwanted clutter around your home and garage. Be realistic and understand your stuff will not receive the retail cost you once paid for your things.
- Unwanted items. Selling furniture and clothes your children no longer use can prove valuable to both your potential buyers and your pockets. Keep in mind whether your buyers are friends, family, or strangers they are in need of your items. Be fair but enjoy the ability to share the items that your children once had with others that can use those items.
Enjoy the chance to clean out your clutter. It will be time consuming to go room to room but it can be extremely profitable for you to get rid of items you no longer use. Remember you can make room for new items you can buy with the money you make from your old stuff. Joining forces with family, friends, and neighbors can make selling your clutter can be converted into cash and fun. Spring time does not have to be the only time in the year to make money by selling your clutter.
Author Bio
Nilsa Cleland
Nilsa is currently working on her first novel. She is author of numerous newspaper and magazine articles, and poems of which one has been published in a book of poetry. She and her husband reside in the foothills of one of Colorado's most beautiful mountains. Learn more about Nilsa...
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