Having the right kind of garage cabinets can literally make all the difference in the world when it comes to storage options. Since the garage is the ideal place to store seasonal items, Christmas decorations, camping equipment, bicycles, snowboards, skis, surfboards, and more it only makes sense that you have the right kind of cabinets to take proper advantage of the storage options. If your garage space is well planned, it can save frustration, prevent useful items being thrown out because there isn't enough space anywhere. Simply follow these guidelines to ensure that you have the right kind of cabinets in your garage.
- Ability to mark drawers. Whether you need to store tools, house items, lawn and gardening equipment and children's toys, mark every item before placing it into a garage cabinet or shelf. No, you will not remember where each little item is stored. Meticulous tagging is essential. Know that feeling of needing something urgently and just don't know where to look for it? Why not decorate the doors of the cupboards and shelves with interesting pictures of what is stored inside?
- Sliding doors are helpful. If space around the car is limited, put sliding doors on the cupboards to prevent opening cupboard doors from scraping your car.
- Quality can cost money. Don't use low quality cupboards and shelves in your garage. You aren't saving money, in fact the loss of a heavy machine that crashed to the floor because it wasn't stored on quality durable materials, often happens when you can least afford replacing that machine.
- Can it handle the changes? Garages are often subject to extreme weather temperatures such as heat, cold and humidity which need to be taken into account when planning and building garage storage furniture.
- Build for storage. Carefully measure the garage space both without the car as well as with the car parked inside. If you are not a DIY person, this will ensure that you buy garage cupboards that will fit into the space planned for it.
- Use mobile toolboxes as well. A mobile toolbox is another way of saving garage space. What makes it an even better idea is that you will be able to pull or push it anywhere in the garage or house instead of carrying a heavy box holding heavy tools. A sturdy lock will keep out "enthusiastic children" or any unauthorized person.
The last, but most important tip is to clean and replace each piece of equipment immediately after use. Throw unnecessary stuff away instead of storing it in your neat cupboards or shelves. You still need to clean out everything once a year but the work will be less frustrating and time consuming.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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