Many people spend endless hours in their automobiles. Keeping a car organized can help you get back and forth without further road issues. Basic car organization can help you keep the time you spend behind the wheel as pleasant as possible.
Keeping a car organized also means throwing out items that have been in your car for months and months but have never been used. If what you have in your car does not provide you with a safety use or provide convenience, throw it out or place it in your trunk for use later. Many organizers are available to help you keep your car not only shiny but coordinated the way you need it to be.
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Is your garage neat and organized? If not, be sure that you don't forget one of the most important aspects of proper ...
Discover MoreIf you're like me and live with people who cannot or will not stay organized, you could take an hour every weekend to put ...
Discover MoreRVs are a wonderful way to get around the country and see the sites. However, once the weather starts turning, like it ...
Discover More2015-07-08 08:59:33
Thrifty One
In regards to things in your car that haven't been used for awhile, if you know you're not going to use them any more, why not try selling them, if they're salable? If, as sometimes happens, they just don't sell, you could donate them to a thrift store. You can even claim it on your tax return, perhaps.
2015-07-08 08:37:44
Please don't throw your plastic bottles in the trash! They recycle. Keep a small bag for them & other plastics in your vehicle; then when you get home, put them in recycling. Another idea for trash is the way my sister does: she keeps an extra-large fast-food drink cup in her vehicle all the time as a trash container. When it gets full, she just dumps it in the nearest trash can. It doesn't take up much room, and it sits in her cup holder unless there's a passenger and the cup holder is being used; then she puts it between the two seat backs.
2015-07-07 11:32:07
I use empty Kleenex containers as litter bags in the car. When one is full, it's tossed, and a new one replaces it. They are strong enough to stay on the floor between the seats & not spill out.
Try it!
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