Keep Your Garage and Car Organized
What is it about cars, and garages that seem to attract so much clutter? It could possibly be due to the fact that people spend so much time in their cars, and that a garage is usually seen as the perfect storage area in any home. As a result, these two areas are almost always in constant need of cleaning and reorganizing. While this process may seem rather overwhelming, it is a surprisingly easy task for anyone to be able to do.
Before beginning an organization task, there is one simple thing that you need to keep in mind. The one thing that you need to keep in mind is this, it really does not matter whether you are organizing your car, garage or a filing system. You are going to be utilizing the same steps.
- Clean. When beginning a task of organizing anything, you need to begin with a clean area. This is necessary so that you can see exactly what you have to work with. Organizing a car or truck is probably going to be less time consuming that when you work on your garage. That being said, you are going to want to devote enough time for you to accomplish your task. It would really be bad if you had half of your garage outside, when you suddenly have to go off and take care of another errand. Once you have removed everything, you are ready to clean. Believe it or not, cleaning is an often overlooked step in any organizational task. If you don't clean, you are going to basically be rearranging garbage that you would be better served in throwing away.
- Evaluate. After you have completed removing everything, and cleaning your vehicle, you are ready to begin your next step. You are now going to analyze and evaluate your storage needs. Basically, this means that you are going to stop and take a look at what you are going to need to accomplish your storage and organization needs. For example, if you happen to listen to a lot of music in your car, you might want to consider getting one of those compact disc organizers. In the case of a garage, you may need to start looking into bins, shelves or whatever. In this step, you are simply taking stock of what you need to either purchase or make, in order to fulfill your needs.
- Organize. Now that you have an idea of exactly what your needs are, it is time to star organizing your possessions. Separate your items into the different categories necessary. For example, you might need to place all your gardening equipment and tools in one area of the garage, or your emergency roadside kit into a specific area of the car.
- Implement. After you have either mapped out, or planned, how you are going to organize your possessions, you need to actually implement that plan. This does not just mean a one time thing, but also that you are going to have to follow through with that plan and keep it up.
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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