Being able to properly manage your time is an important part of being successful in life and business. After all, if you don't manage your time, then your time will end up managing you. Managing your time doesn't need to be particularly difficult. All you really need to do to manage your time wisely is to implement a time management planner. Here are a few ideas and suggestions that you can use to begin doing so.
- Planning. You need to plan your day, the week and the month. Invest in a good day planner. Stick to your plan as to when to read and reply to E-mail. Take note of other time wasters and avoid them.
- Prioritizing. Do you know the difference between urgent and important? As a typist you soon learn whose work is "Urgent" and then it may be days before the completed job is picked up.
- Delegating. Delegation is a two-way sword. Know when you need to delegate work to someone else. Know when you can say "No" when work is delegated to you. Once you start with favors, it soon becomes part of your job.
- Understand and know yourself. Are you the "people pleaser" who will always help others to your own disadvantage? Stop, your time is too precious to do other people's work. If you are always passing your work onto someone else, stop or agree to have a portion of your pay be given to the person who is doing your work.
- Habits. Keep strict records of everything you do from the moment you arrive at work until you leave at the end of the day. Divide your day in 15-minute sessions and meticulously fill in your activities. If you spend too much time on private telephone calls, taking smoke breaks, chatting with colleagues, then stop it..
- Routines. Once you know what time wasters reduce your productivity, change your routine and keep records of what you now accomplish in a day, week or month.
- Attitude. A positive attitude towards your job immediately increase your productivity. Be proud of the quality work you do. If you want to find a new job, something you will enjoy more, don't neglect your current employment, it still pays your bills.
Remember that no matter what kind of time management planner that you use, if you don't keep up with it, and maintain it, then it will be absolutely useless. When you do use them, be sure that you keep these ideas and strategies in mind so that you can get the best possible result. If you do, pretty soon you will find yourself with more time than you believed possible.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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