Years ago, I used to have a coworker who was chronically late to work. I'm not talking about late as in always showing up 30 minutes after the start of their shift, but more like off by 5 or 10 minutes. Each and every day, they would show up late. For some reason, this person simply had trouble getting to work on time. While initially this habit wasn't enough to get them fired, it was enough to affect their performance evaluation. Getting to work on time isn't that difficult to do, if you make an effort of it. All you need to really do is follow these simple guidelines and you can ensure that you are will be to work when you are supposed to be.
- Get ready ahead of time. Don't wait till the last minute to see if you have everything you need for the office. Instead, before you go to bed at night, gather together everything that you will need for work the next day, and place it in one location. You could even go as far as making a list of everything that you will need. Simply go over your list as you prepare for the day, and you can make sure that you are ready to go quickly and efficiently.
- Make sure everyone is ready. It's not just you that can effect whether you get to work on time or not, but your family as well. Get them get into the habit of preparing to leave early as well. This means that you should ensure that your children have their school books and assignments all ready the night before. This also means that they are getting up early enough to ensure that they can get ready and have a healthy breakfast.
- Leave early. Don't wait till the last minute to leave for work, instead leave a little bit early. When I was in the Army, I had a Sergeant that used to tell me that if I wasn't five minutes early to formation, then I was late. Have the same mentality when it comes to work, and you can ensure that you are never late. For example, does it only take you fifteen minutes to get to work? If so, instead of leaving fifteen minutes before you have to start the work day, leave twenty or twenty-five minutes prior to your start of shift. This will allow you to account for any changes in traffic, and even arrive a little early.
- Be aware of the situation. There is always some kind of problem on the freeway, or even around town that can affect traffic. Be aware of any long term projects which will have an impact on you, and adjust your plans accordingly. If you can possibly do it at all, avoid traveling during "rush hour," since you will be doing anything but rushing.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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