One of the greatest problems that many people face in their quest for greater organization in their life is how to organize their time better. If you have been able to organize your life to the point where you can always get out of your house on time, whether it be for work, church, school, meetings, or whatever, then you can skip this tip. However, if you are like the vast majority of the worlds' population, then this is information that you absolutely must have.
I have found that there are many reasons for not being able to get out of the house when I want to. Typically, this is because of my personal lack of preplanning. By planning ahead for your next day, you are going to be able to reduce or eliminate many of the little problems that can add up to a huge delay. Why not eliminate these annoyances by using a little common sense and get into a routine?
When you get home from work each night, or more properly, when you get home from being out at all, place your keys in the same place each night. By getting into the habit of placing your keys, wallet, watch, and other such items in one specific place, then you are not going to waste time by looking everywhere for them. You may be surprised to find just how much of your time is wasted each day by you looking around for something that you should be able to be found without any thought.
Did you ever stop to think of how many things you can do each night before going to bed, that can help you get out that door on time the next morning? If you do something as simple as taking a shower before going to bed, you can save a minimum of fifteen minutes the next morning. Go a step further and lay out the next day's clothes before going to bed. If deciding what to wear takes you as much time as it does me, then this is going to save you as much as 45 minutes each morning.
Finally, another group of things that you can do to prepare for the next day revolves around your meals. By setting your table for breakfast and preparing your next day's lunch after you finish your dinner, you can save quite a bit of time. This may not seem like anything major, but as was said earlier, it is the little things that are going to add up to major delays.
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