If you have a business, then you know how much floor space costs. Often the price of office space rises at least once a year, and in many cases more than that. Mobile Filing can be an excellent solution. Whether you are starting a new business, or planning a new filing system, you should include mobile filing equipment to save floor space. Here are some examples of mobile filing equipment that you can use in your office today.
- Filing trolleys. Filing trolleys are a secretary's best friend. No need to have a file cluttered desk as the trolley will be next to the desk with all the files they are currently working on. All files will be neatly filed thus less time and frustration when returning them to the larger filing cabinet. A filing trolley is the ideal vehicle if files need to be circulated between offices. Such a trolley may offer enough storage space while your business is still small and the office not large enough for large filing cabinets. As you obtain more clients, the need for stationary supplies grows; it will be time to invest in a larger mobile cabinet. Your old trolley will still be invaluable for moving files between departments.
- Don't be stuck with fixed filing cabinets and shelves. Fixed or heavy, clumsy cabinets or shelves are hard to move from one office to another. Mobile filing cabinets and shelves are the answer. As they roll easily and their wheels turn with the cabinet or shelf, you can re-arrange your office as quick as a wink.
- Save floor space with back-to-back filing cabinets. Back-to-back filing cabinets or shelves save floor space as they can be pushed together. If you need a file, simply move the cabinet on its rails to enable you to move in the space between the two cabinets. No unnecessary floor space wasted where cabinets and shelves are placed permanently.
- Cleaning the office. Ever tried to clean all the dust underneath and at the sides of filing cabinets? This problem no longer exists. Roll the cabinet or shelf away, clean the floor and roll it back. The cabinet can be dusted on the outside while it is moved out of the corner.
As you begin to consider what types of filing systems that you should use in your office, remember to keep a few things in mind. A filing trolley can be a secretary's best friend. No need to have a file cluttered desk when the trolley can be used, and wheeled away when not in use. Fixed or heavy, clumsy cabinets or shelves are hard to move from one office to another, use mobile filing systems to help free up floor space, and share the load throughout the entire office. If you do need to use standing filing cabinets, then use back-to-back filing cabinets or shelves to save floor space as they can be pushed together. Cleaning up is a lot easier when you can simply wheel the filing cabinets away.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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