While voicemail and answering machines are nice, many times we are faced with the responsibility of taking a message and having to deliver it ourselves. Often, when this happens we believe that we are going to be able to remember everything without any problem and get the proper message to the proper person with no delay. Well, as any child who has ever played the game "telephone" can tell you, this is sadly not the case.
What can a person do to make sure they have taken down all the important information in a message, that it gets to the right person, all while ensuring that the information is not lost? Luckily, the answer to this question is a simple one, and one that can be applied equally to either a personal or business environment. That answer is through the use of message pads.
Message pads can be purchased at any office supply store and they are relatively inexpensive. When you are choosing the message pad that you are going to use, though, there are just a few features that you are going to want to keep in mind, and make sure that your pad has when you make your final decision. So, when you are choosing y our message pad, just use this simple checklist and you are going to have all the basics covered and therefore be well on the way to having a well-organized message delivery system. These may seem a little simplistic, but keep in mind that these are the basics.
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