It seems like more and more people are deciding to work from their home office each and every day. While working from home has a lot of advantages, it also brings about new challenges that you will have to face as well. For example, finding ample office storage may be a tough one if you don't own a large house. There are ways that you can create some additional office storage if you only keep the following in mind.
- What type of business do you have? Remember that the type of business you have, will determine how much space you need. Is your business computerized? How much physical filing needs to be done? Each of these are going to be different for different types of businesses. For example, a web design business is going to need less physical storage space than say a legal office.
- Is it possible to have a room exclusively for your office? If not, where is the best place for an office? If space is limited, beware of your office appearing as cluttered and inadequatly squeezed somewhere in a corner. If at all possible avoid having your office double as living. Otherwise, you can expect children, or other family members, to dump stuff on your desk since it is conveniently there.
- Will you have your clients visit you at home? You need a professional look and feel at your home office. A cluttered office is even less acceptable at home than at an office building as it will down-size your business and may raise questions regarding the efficiency of your service and quality of your products.
- Will you be keeping hard copies? Filing cabinet for hard copy filing are essential. Instead of placing all kinds of papers in open baskets on your desk, invest in the right size cabinet with stable locks. There are table top filing containers available to replace an in and out basket, no papers lying open on your desk for anyone to see and read. Confidentiality is even more essential in a home office to avoid your clients feeling uneasy about the confidentiality of their dealings with you.
- Choose accessories and filing systems carefully. It may be worth your while to invest in an office desk with filing cabinet-style drawers included. Take a look at smaller desktop filing cases ideal for holding a small number of hanging files. Carefully label your filing drawers as well as the files stored in them. In addition, use different colored stickers for different topics ensure that it is easy and quick to find a letter or file when you need it. Always keep your personal documents, medical information, family bills, etc. separate from your business documentation. Your personal files fall in another category and need to be filed separately.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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