Being able to decide on the right time management software is an important step towards effective time management throughout the company. You want a cost effective program that will fulfill your time management requirements. Keep in mind though that if your personnel won't use the software, then there really isn't much point in buying it. This means that you need to consider a few things when you begin looking at time management software.
- What to consider when purchasing a time management software program. Think about who's going to be using it. List all the departments that will be using the program, as well as any personnel. Some of the personnel you may want consider are people like secretaries, sales reps, mechanics and even the heads of the departments.
- How simple or complicated should the program be? Ideally you want to choose a software that all personnel can use, regardless of their position in the hierarchy. This will allow everyone in the company to work on the same footing.
- What do you expect from the software? What exactly are you expecting this software to do? Are you looking for something that will help increase the basic productivity of your employee's? Perhaps you are looking for something that will allow you to track the current productivity of those who work at your company. Maybe you want to learn what the average time that it takes to complete a project? Not all of the software that is available will do the same things, and you need to know what your expectations are so that you can choose the appropriate software for your needs.
- Make your decision. Once you have picked out a few different types of time management software it is time to begin narrowing the field down to just one. Ask yourself a few simple questions to help in this field. Will you be updating the software each year? Does it even need to be? Who all will be using it? Which functions of the software will fit in with the needs of the company? How many functions do not fit your needs? If the options of the program are inadequate, find software that will live up to your expectations. Once you have all the relevant information, evaluate them all before you decide on the final software package.
- Inform the employees. Take the employees with you on this project. They will find it easier to cooperate if they know what you are planning. Ensure that they don't misunderstand and loose trust in thinking they are now going to be "checked up" and land in trouble if they don't perform as the boss expects them to do. Once they understand that the new time management is to their benefit too as the boss will now have a better understanding of the time a person needs for a specific task.
- Time to buy your time management software. Before you buy the software you decided on, it may be a good idea to consult an expert to look things over. If at all possible, talk to a consultant who deals in different time management packages. Don't allow a salesman who sells only one product to convince you that his program is the best. In short, be sure that you do your home work before you buy.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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