Becoming More Organized in College
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated March 12, 2020)
While everyone would like to think that college is a time of freedom from cares or worries, in reality it can be a very stressful period. Becoming more organized in college can help you reduce the amount of stress, worry, and anxiety you can often feel during this time. Here are a few things to consider when trying to create a stress-free college life.
- Set goals. Be sure that you have some clear goals in mind. Prior to starting college, take some time to write down the goals that you have for the first semester and the first year, as well as goals for what you want to complete by the end of your schooling. Having clearly set goals will help you plan your time so you can get more accomplished.
- Develop plans. Start to develop plans for making your goals a reality. Without a plan, you will have a harder time making your goals happen. Developing plans can also help you formulate exactly how you can accomplish those goals and give you a better idea for how to deal with the next few years.
- Develop support. Take time to look around and develop a support group. Often this will be made up primarily of your friends, but also look into study groups and other activities. Look for anything that you can to make your time at school more productive. That way you are not rushing around everywhere at the last minute panicking about upcoming assignments.
- Keep track. Make sure you keep track of all your work and your assignments. Try to do as much of your work, or store as much of your work, in the same location as possible. This way you do not need to worry about losing anything that you may have completed. You may also want to keep a "diary" or planner for your assignments so that you will know what you have due and when you need to have it completed. This will also allow you to better plan your schedule.
- Reassess goals and plans. Periodically take time to reassess your plans and goals. Remember that life can throw you curve balls, so it may be necessary to periodically change your goals or your plans to fit the realities that come with life.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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