One of the problems that computers present, is that it is hard to know exactly when you need to sit down and organize it. After all, your computer isn't exactly like your office desk where the falling tower of paper can tell you that it is time to straighten things up. Instead, the biggest clue that it is time to begin organizing your computer can be when you first turn it on.
When you first turn your computer on, do you have a hard time seeing your background due to the sheer number of icons? Are you having a hard time finding that file you need, even though you have been looking for five minutes? Is your computer running slower than you think it should, and taking more time to "think" about things? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then it is time to begin organizing your computer. Here are some simple guidelines that you can use to begin getting your computer under control again.
- Create broad categories. Think about broad categories that you can begin placing your different computer files into. For example, you may want to use some of these categories: Games, Work Files, Personal Files, and Financial Files. If you happen to share your computer with others, then you can also create the broad categories according to their names. For example, you can make one file for Jason and another for Jenna.
- Use subcategory folders. In the broad categories, begin to make some subfolders to help keep things a little more organized. For example inside your Financial Folder, you can have a separate folder for each fiscal year that you have records for. In each of these sub-folders, you can even go into more detail, and create folders for your bank statements, bills, receipts, invoices, and so on.
- Periodically clean your system. At least once a month you should go through your system and clean out what you don't need. Do not delete the files forever though. Instead, save them onto a DVD or flash drive for later retrieval. After you have made these copies, delete them from your computer. This will free up much needed storage space on your computer, and help it to operate much more efficiently.
- Keep the area around the computer clean. While it may not be directly part of your computer, the area around your computer has a big impact on how your system operates. Computers need plenty of air to operate efficiently, it helps keep machine cool. But, if you have a lot of junk around the computer, then you may be inhibiting the ability of the computer to cool itself down. This not only makes the computer operate less efficiently, but can also potentially damage the computer. Take time to straighten up the area around your computer, and keep it free of any debris.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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