Have you ever found yourself wondering how you can make the area that you work in a little more personal? Perhaps something that reflects who you are, and what makes you, you? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then you have been wanting, and looking for a way to define your space. You may be asking your self, "Defining my space? What's that?" Basically, what this means is that you are looking for a way to shape your environment to suit your needs and wants. This is something that we do where ever we go, no matter how consciously or unconsciously.
Here are some rather simple guidelines to help you define your workspace in a manner that will not create problems. After all, you don't want to end up getting into trouble with your coworkers or boss due to your decorating habits. Follow these simple guidelines, and you will soon have a workspace that you can call your own.
- Rules and regulations. Before beginning any redecoration scheme, make sure that you know what the rules and regulations are for your work place. After all, most places of business will have some limitations on what you can and cannot use for decorations, and you don't want to accidentally violate one of these rules. Not to mention, it would be rather embarrassing to go through all the work of redecorating your workspace, only to have to take it all down later on.
- What's your style? Have you actually thought about what your style is? It's a tad difficult to decorate something (even your cubicle at work) if you don't know what you like. Take some time to think about what you like, and possibly even sketch out what you would like your area to look like. While this never hurts, it can definitely help you plan out what you want your space to look like, as well as figuring out how everything will work together.
- Clean. Once you have figured out what style you wish to use, and decided how it will all go together, it is time to start cleaning your space. Yes, you will need to clean it. This will allow you to get a true idea of what you will be working with. In addition, this will also allow you to make sure that your work space is nice, neat, and just the way that you would like it to be.
- Multitask. Space always seems to be at a premium in an office, and even more so when it comes to a cubicle. Because of this, when decorating your workspace, try to utilize items that can serve another purpose than simply looking pretty. For examples, use CD/DVD holders that are attractive and functional, as well as other office tastefully decorative office supply items.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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