Filing services are a niche industry that can help provide a vital service for just about every business imaginable. Among the variety of services that they can provide these services are able to come in and create a complete filing service on site for your business, store old documents, dispose of old documents, and quite a few other types of services.
Since there is such a wide variety of different services that are available through these businesses, the trouble lies in coming to a decision on which one to use. Here are a few topics that you need to keep in mind when deciding on a filing service for your company. Each of these topics will focus on a different aspect of the industry that you need to consider, and keep in mind when interviewing the service.
- Communication. When interviewing your prospective filing service, keep in mind how easy it is to get in touch with that service. Do they have a twenty-four hour, seven days a week service staff that you can get in contact with if you have any questions? How accessible will your service representative be? How likely will the company representative be to communicate with you if there are any problems on their end?
- Options. What are the different options that this company offers? Will they come to your site and actually help organize your filing system? Do they offer the ability to store your documents in a physical location? Do they provide a manner for you to access your files digitally? How long will they hold your documents for you? Does the service offer a means for safely, and confidentially, destroying any documents that are no longer needed?
- Reputation. What is the reputation of the company you are considering using? Call some of their clients if that information is public and ask them what they think. Also, check with your local Better Business Bureau to see if there are any complaints, and what kind of complaints they have, against the company.
- Facilities. Does the company have a centralized facility that they use? OR do they convert all of the documents to a digital format? If they do convert all the documents to a digital format, then what do they do with the originals? If there is a centralized facility, is it one that you can access when you need to?
- Security. What type of security features does the company offer? After all, these are your papers and documents that we are talking about.
- Cost. What is the general cost of the service going to be? Do they bill monthly or annually? Is the cost worth the services offered?
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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