Helping Your Kids Get Organized
Most parents teach their children how to pick up after themselves from an early age. Keeping this routine in place for children as they grow up is not always an easy task. Many kids think you might be out of your mind when you tell them to get their rooms organized before heading to their friend's house. Some ideas come to mind to help you get your kids organized.
- Different children ages require different methods to keep them organized. Your pre-school child may need color-coding techniques to help him or her remember a particular item. Perhaps pictures along with the color-coded word will not only help your kid remember the item to be taken to pre-school but will also be a fun way to teach your child how to spell the item. An older child may only need a verbal reminder to help him or her remember everything needed for school that day.
- If your child belongs to a music group such as orchestra, band, or choir, teaching your child to keep the sheet music inside the musical instrument case will help your child keep everything organized in one case. If your child is in choir, sheet music can be kept inside the same binder that holds his or her music textbook.
- Teaching your child to use different colored book covers can help your child quickly recognize books needed from his or her locker when changing books for his or her next class.
- • Another great tactic to helping your kids get organized is to teach them how to get themselves ready for tomorrow today. Teach your children how to be proactive versus the fine art of procrastination. Help your kids get their sports gear together and inside the proper sports bag the day prior. Place a laminated sheet with all the necessary items your kids need inside the sports bag. Before your child relaxes in front of the television set, computer, or starts the chat session on the phone, go through the sports bag to make sure your kid has all the necessary items in the bag for the game. Getting an early start verifying that all the necessary items are inside the bag can help avoid potential crisis moments early.
- • Keep an emergency card inside your child's backpack with important phone numbers that will reach you, your spouse or partner or a trusted family member or friend immediately. Keep your child's blood type information, doctor's name and phone number, plus the hospital name and address you would like emergency personnel to take your child to in the event of an emergency.
Work ahead. Keep involved with your kids' school and extra curricular activities. Teaching your child how to manage and maintain a calendar with assignment deadlines, activity dates, and other important dates for your kid can help you keep your kid well organized.
Author Bio
Nilsa Cleland
Nilsa is currently working on her first novel. She is author of numerous newspaper and magazine articles, and poems of which one has been published in a book of poetry. She and her husband reside in the foothills of one of Colorado's most beautiful mountains. Learn more about Nilsa...
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