Creating Organized History Papers
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated August 20, 2020)
Writing a history paper can often seem like an overwhelming task to those who have never done it before. In fact, even those who have done it before can periodically find themselves having problems. That being said, there are some guidelines that can be used to help ensure you create an organized paper. Creating organized history papers doesn't need to be a difficult process, and is actually quite easy if you only know what to look out for.
- Begin outlining. The first step in creating organized history papers is to begin outlining. This means that you simply write down the high points of what you are trying to convey. On the average, you should have a minimum of four or five high points that you want to discuss. However, you may need to modify that depending on how many pages you will need to write.
- Create a rough draft. After you have drawn up an outline of your paper, begin creating a rough draft. For those who don't know, a rough draft is simply the first draft of what you plan on turning in. Write your rough draft as thoroughly as possible, including any pictures, images, or tables that you need. Basically pretend that what you are writing is what you will be turning in, and make it as complete as possible.
- Set aside. Once you have written your rough draft, set it aside for a day or two. This will allow you to look at it again with new eyes and be as objective as possible when you do begin to edit it.
- Have a friend read it. While you are waiting to reread your history paper, print out another copy and have a friend proofread it. Be sure to ask them to look it over, and ensure that it reads well, tells a coherent story, and that it basically makes sense. Have them mark it up if necessary to ensure you are able to make it as good of a paper as possible. If you are confident in their editing skills, you can also have them make some editing changes if they see any.
- Edit as necessary. After a couple of days have passed, take a look at your history paper again. As you go through it, make note of any changes you think need to be made. At the same time, make a note of any changes that your proof reader suggested. Once you have finished making those editing changes, it is time to rewrite the paper with all of the changes in place.
- Repeat. Upon completing the rewrite, repeat the entire process again as many times as necessary until you are completely satisfied with the results. Congratulations, you have now created an organized history paper.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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