Have you ever gone on a camping trip, only to find that you have lost or misplaced a tent pole or some other vital piece of equipment? If so, then you need to start organizing any camping gear that you may have. Surprisingly, organizing camping gear is a relatively easy task, though it may take a little bit of time. By following these simple guidelines you will find your camping gear and equipment quickly organized and ready for your next camping trip.
- Get to it. The very first thing that you need to do when organizing camping gear is to get started right away. When you first get home from your camping trip, or when you first get your equipment, start right away on getting it organized. By getting started right away, you will reduce the possibility of losing any of your equipment.
- Separate equipment. Begin organizing your camping gear by separating everything into separate piles. For example, have one pile for your sleeping bags, another for your eating utensils, another for personal hygiene items, and so on. As you are separating everything into piles, make a list of everything that is in each pile and set the list on top of the pile. Also take the time to make sure that things like your first aid kit, hygiene items, and other consumables are completely stocked.
- Storage bins. Purchase enough air- and water-tight storage bins for each of the piles that you have created. Place each of the piles into a separate bin, and make sure that each item is seated as securely as possible. Once you finishe placing each pile into its corresponding tub seal the tub. On the exterior lid of the tub, tape the packing list so that you know what is inside of it. This way you have an easier time of finding what you need.
- Specialized equipment. Some items, such as down sleeping bags and down coats, should not be compressed too much or for too long. If you do so, then you run the risk of damaging the down in such items and hindering their future effectiveness. Instead, get some cotton sacks and lightly roll each of the items into the separate bags. Place the bags on a shelf, away from any source of moisture or rodents.
- Prepare for next time. As you organize your camping gear, make sure that you take the time to clean and prepare for your next camping trip. By making sure that your gear is properly cleaned and prepared for the next trip, you can lengthen the effective use of the items. Such steps will also help ensure that none of your items become mildewed, rusted, or otherwise incapable of use.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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