Whether we work outside in a major corporation, work at a home office or are a stay at home parent, we all have busy lives. Staying productive and ahead of your task list can provide many benefits. Organize your day to make it the very best that it can be.
- Breathing room. Allow yourself some breathing room. Life is a succession of moments that can be interrupted by the unexpected. Block time off to allow for life's unanticipated periods that need your attention. Should you find that you do not have any unexpected interruptions in your day, work ahead with the next day's tasks or allow yourself some you time. Take a hike, walk, or take your pet out for a leisurely run. While you go about organizing those areas in your life that need to be worked on, remember to set some time for you. Allowing time for some relaxation will allow your mind and body to regenerate itself for a productive rest of the day and evening.
- Organize your home. Organize your rooms to permit breathing room. Walking into cluttered rooms can take your focus in a completely different direction. Take one room at a time and de-clutter your mess. As you continue to put your home in order, you will notice a new way of thinking that will take over your life style. Having your things in place will save you time instead of spending endless hours hunting around for your stuff.
- Tools. Use laundry baskets, wicker baskets, sorting tools, or boxes to organize your rooms. Place items that are scattered throughout your room in decorative boxes or baskets that will serve a dual purpose, organize and decorating your room.
- Chore list. Write down a list of chores you would like to complete within the next couple of months. Place a check marks to the chores you find are the most important for you to complete within the next mark. On a separate list, write these tasks down. Take the tasks you have indicated you would like complete within the month and start the whittling down of tasks to be done within the next three weeks to two weeks to next day. Be realistic with your chores and times you have allowed to complete the tasks. As you continue this process, start writing these tasks down in your calendar. Following these very simple steps will help you produce a doable task list that you find helpful to organizing your things.
Live life the way you want to live your life. Grasp a hold of those special moments that can only be had if you recognize they are special. Having a very hectic lifestyle can put blinders onto important things that occur when you least expect them. Go ahead, organize your life and hold reach for your special moments!
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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