Whether you have a day chock full of things to do, or you only have one or two things to do all day long, task scheduling can be an immense help. The only problem is that most people think that task scheduling has some complicated trick to make it work. What these people may find interesting is that they have actually been doing their own task scheduling. Taking a little time each day to do a little simple, formal task scheduling can actually make your life immeasurably easier, here's how.
- Write a list. When you first get up, write down everything that you can think of that has to be done that day. When you are doing this, think of everything that you need to do that day. If you remember that you need to pick up your dry cleaning, write it down. If you have a meeting with your boss or a date with your significant other, write it down. No matter what it is, it goes on your last.
- Edit list. Go over your list and decide what is the single most important item that you need to accomplish. Then figure out the next most important, and so on, until you have prioritized everything on your list. When you are doing this, come up with some way to let yourself determine the most important things to do. Some ways to do this would be to use the alphabet, or numbers. For example, if picking up your dry cleaning is the single most important thing that you need to do, put the number "1" next to it, or the letter "a" next to it.
- Rewrite list. Rewrite your list, but this time write it in order of priority. This step is simply so that you can read your list a little easier.
- Implement. It is time to start using your list. As you finish each task, simply cross it off so that you will know it has been accomplished. Keep this up until everything has been crossed off.
- Maintain. While you will get some benefit from doing this once in a while, it won't do you anywhere near as much good as if you did it all the time. Make this a habit of yours that you do each and every day, and you will soon find yourself with more time on your hands.
The first few times that you run through this exercise, don't be surprised if it takes up to thirty minutes or so. Over time it will become more and more familiar to you, and as such it will be easier for you to accomplish everything.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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