There are times when everyone can find their attention at work flagging just a little, and other times when it is nearly impossible to focus on the task at hand. One way to over come this problem is to learn how to improve your concentration. Improving concentration is really little more than simple focusing on the task at hand, and knowing when enough is enough. Here are a few guidelines that are designed to help you begin improving concentration right away. As you go through these guidelines, you will be amazed at not only how simple they are, but how much common sense they have as well.
- Go a little further. Most people reach a point while they are working where they feel like they cannot go any further. This is completely common, and one of the biggest reasons loose concentration on what they are doing. When you find yourself faced with this situation, repeat to yourself "Just five more..." This could be five more pages of reading that you have to do, another five minutes of working, or another five pushups. You will be surprised at how much further you can get when you set yourself this simple little goal.
- Only work on one thing. Despite what many people think, multitasking is not really productive. In fact, it is about as anti-productive as you can get. While we all have to split our attention every so often, do not do it purposefully if you can avoid it. Instead, focus on one task at a time, until you get it done. Once you have finished that task, go onto your next one.
- Don't put it off. Another one of the biggest reasons that people begin to lose focus or find it hard to concentrate is that they put the task off till the last minute. By doing this, you are creating a situation that is more stressful for you than is necessary. This stress can often lead to your thoughts wandering because you are too worried about not getting the task done. Instead, get the job done as quickly as possible so you don't have to worry about it.
- Take a break. If you still find yourself having a hard time concentrating, even after having done everything else, then simply take a break. By getting up and stretching your legs for a few minutes, you will be able to come back to the problem at hand with a fresh pair of eyes. By doing this you will also have a better chance of seeing things that you may have missed before, as well as having a clearer head.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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