Create a Clutter Inventory
Does your garage or storage room look like its own flea market? You have a ton of wonderful items you have been saving in the event you need it sometime. However, now you just cannot remember where you put the items that you need. Keep reading to find some easy and cool ideas on how to organize your clutter with using an inventory system.
- First, you may want to decide what items do you really, really need to keep. You may have sentimental feelings for some items. Some items are family heirlooms you would like to hang on to for the special some ones in your life for their future. Clearing out items from your home is a great way to provide donations to your local non-profit agencies that may have a need for those items you no longer have a use for in your life.
- If you enjoy keeping all your information online, create an online folder with the category of your items and the location you have the items stored. If you prefer keeping a manual copy of your newly created inventory, take a notebook and make tabs with all the categories of your items. The labels or tabs can read, Halloween decor - garage, electronic items – storage closet by master bedroom, or winter holiday decor – shed, etc.
- Keep a Written list of all the Halloween, electronic or winter holiday items within each category. You may want to alphabetize the items for easier identification of items when you search for a specific article. You can then place the items in the proper climate control area necessary within your storage area. For example, you may want to maintain electronic devices in a cool rather than a storage area that can get scorching hot.
- Place your writing utensils such as pens, pencils, highlighters, whiteout, erasers that you use most on your desk. Extra writing utensils can be kept neatly in one of your desk drawers in a plastic baggy for future use. The easy visual of a clear baggy of extra items can be effortlessly identified when a new writing utensil is needed.
- The same de-clutter system can be used for DVDs or CDs. You can easily set up your DVDs in different categories such as, drama, comedy, action, science fiction, children, etc. For CDs, you can categorize as classical, country, movie soundtracks, pop, R&B, Rap, etc. A notebook identifying the DVDs or CDs and their locations can make searching for your favorite movie or tunes a lot easier. Place the notebook by the DVDs or CDs for easy access to the notebook.
Many times, it is easier to go to the store and purchase stuff you already have to avoid the scavenger hunt you will need to pursue in order to find it. Having a clutter inventory can save you money by you the ability to find what you are looking for easily.
Author Bio
Nilsa Cleland
Nilsa is currently working on her first novel. She is author of numerous newspaper and magazine articles, and poems of which one has been published in a book of poetry. She and her husband reside in the foothills of one of Colorado's most beautiful mountains. Learn more about Nilsa...
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