When you begin moving, many people don't stop to think about the costs of storage that is associated with it. Believe it or not, there are actually a few storage costs that are associated with it. Although it may seem to be cheaper if you simply transport your belongings yourself, it is impossible to be at both your old location and your new one at the same time. While everything you posses may be insured, if you have an accredited moving company you will have even better coverage. Here is some information that you can use to help determine if the additional storage cost of hiring a professional mover is worth it for your next move.
- Safety features. Do your homework regarding hiring the best truck for your requirements. How safe are your furniture etc. on route? Do they need to overnight somewhere? What safety precautions do the overnight stop have in place? Do they guarantee the keep without it been damaged or stolen?
- In vehicle safety features. In the moving van or trucks, what safety precautions do they have? Are your belongings safe in case of rain or bad roads. Is the van packed with your stuff only or are they transporting two or three other people's furniture at the same time?
- Employee training. Are they trained to move all your electronic items in the correct way? Is someone with the truck all the time?
- Appliances. Are your appliances, such as the refrigerator, washing machine, or microwave oven packed and stored up right with nothing to scratch or damage it in any way?
- Packing and unpacking. Who will be responsible for the packing prior to your move? In fact, will the unpacking be more than simply unloading all the boxes into a single room, and you taking it over from there? For example, will the moving company actually move everything into the proper rooms for you, will they actually unpack everything from the boxes and help set everything up for you or not?
- Do they offer packing supplies? If you are going to be responsible for your own packing, does the company happen to provide the packing supplies for you? Whether you have to provide your own packing supplies or not, be sure that you use the highest quality materials possible. After all, these are your things that are going to be moved, and it was probably pretty expensive to get them all. Avoid the expense of needing to replace them all by using the best moving materials that you can.
Author Bio
Hettie Woehler
Hettie lives in Mokopane, South Africa. She writes articles for a country-wide monthly newspaper, The Vessel. She self-published a devotional book in 1993 and writes a regular column, Hettie's Chatterbox, for the S.A. Neuromuscular Foundation. Learn more about Hettie...
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