Organizing a Camping Trip
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated September 17, 2020)
Camping trips can either be extremely fun, or a horror beyond imagining. The key to the having the first option instead of the second is because of organization. If you are properly prepared, you can have fun on a camping trip, even in the worst weather. Organizing a camping trip isn't difficult, but it does require some planning and patience. If you rush through the process, you will be gambling on whether or not you have an enjoyable time.
- Type of camping trip. Deciding on the type of camping trip you will be doing will help you properly prepare and organize your efforts. Are you going to a pre-established camp ground, or hiking off into the woods? Perhaps you will be renting a camper or an RV? Will you be camping on the beach, by a lake, or in the mountains?
- When are you going? While it can always be fun to go on a last minute camping trip, it is better to have a little bit of time to prepare. Set your camping trip at least two weeks away, so that you can prepare and organize properly. In addition, by allowing yourself this additional time, you will be able to make sure that you also have a campground or site that you can actually use.
- Choose a location. Take a look at the available camp grounds that you can use, and see if they will fit in with your plans. Ideally, you will choose a campground that will coincide with the type of camping that you wish to do. If you can not find an exact match, then see if you can find a campground that is near where you want to be.
- Do you need reservations? Some campgrounds will actually require a reservation for you to use. So when you are looking at potential locations, double check to see if the one that you like will require one as well. If it does, then make the reservation so that you do not lose your spot.
- What's the weather going to be like? As the time get's closer to the day of your camping trip, keep an eye on the weather. This will give you an idea of what you should pack, and what you should leave behind. Be sure to pack appropriate to the weather, and no matter what pack at least an emergency poncho incase of sudden rainstorms.
- Create a packing list. Create a packing list of everything that you will need on your trip. Include in this list items like your tent, sleeping bag, clothes, backpack, enough food for the entire trip, and so on. This list will serve you well when you begin packing your vehicle for the trip. As you finish packing an item away, mark it off of the list, so you can be sure that you haven't forgotten anything.
- Get going. Once you have everything packed, get going. Go and enjoy the beautiful outdoors, and have a good time.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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