Fantastic Yard Sale Ideas
One of the best ways to organize your home is to get rid of all the excess stuff in your home, garage, and other storage places. Start by going through all the areas that you store all the excess things. Then go through your home and de-clutter.
After you have de-cluttered your home why not put all that excess stuff to good use by making extra cash selling those items in a yard sale. Here are a few tips that will help you have a fantastic yard sale.
Signs. You need to advertise your yard sale. In doing so why not apply some of these ideas to your signs?
- You will want to have a sign that can be read from a distance and seen from the road.
- A sign with bright colors will attract the attention of potential customers.
- Have arrows pointing the way along with your address.
- Have a sign in front of your home with a list of the big things that you are selling like desks, sofas, and baby cribs. As they sell, mark them off the sign.
Money. This may be one of the reasons you are having a garage sale. Dealing with money at a garage sale still has some basic guidelines that should be followed.
- Have plenty of small bills and coins that you can make change with.
- Do not leave your money unattended. If you don't have someone to help, carry the money in your pocket.
- If you are going to accept checks, make sure that they are local checks and that you write down their information, in case the checks are bad. Personally, I would only take checks from people that I know.
Pricing. Having items priced beforehand will give you time to enjoy the people at the yard sale.
- When pricing items, mark them a little higher that what you expect to sell them for. This way you have some bargaining room.
- A day or two before the sale mark all items.
- Place an adhesive price sticker on everything.
- Don't budge on your prices too early in the morning. There is plenty of time throughout the day, and later on if it hasn't sold then lower your price.
- Try pricing group items at a group price like $2 each or $5 for three.
Electric. I have heard people say that never buy anything electrical because they don't know if it works.
- Make sure that you have an extension cord so that customers can see that your electric items really do work.
- Group all electrical things in one place so that they are near an electrical outlet.
Setting Up. This is where the sale can be a success or a flop. Try using these ideas so that your yard sale is a success and letting your customers know that you're happy that they are there.
- Use flags and balloons to create a festive atmosphere. This helps to bring attention to your yard sale.
- Have tables set up and make sure everything looks attractive.
- Place toys on the ground or at the kids' level, so that the kids will pick out items for mom or dad to buy them.
- Have the bigger items to the front. This will attract those who drive by to see if the sale is worth stopping for.
- During the sale rearrange items and fill in the holes, preventing the sale from looking picked over.
- Remove used items from boxes so that people can actually see the item; it's more appealing.
- Set up as much as you can the night before.
- Make sure that the items are clean and shiny for the sale.
- Put the family to work. This can be done by having children sell their own stuff or letting them sell soda, lemonade, or homemade goodies
- Have plenty of paper and plastic grocery bags to put items in that people want to buy.
By using some of these tips and tricks you are on your way to having a fantastic yard sale.
Author Bio
Debra Wyatt
Deb has a communications degree and applies her talents to her position as Marketing Specialist at Sharon Parq Associates. In her spare time she spends time with her children and grandchildren and devotes time to her church. Learn more about Debra...
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