Many people spend endless hours in and out of their automobiles. Keeping a car organized can help you get back and forth without further road issues. Basic car organization can help you keep the time you spend behind the wheel as pleasant as possible.
- Plan. Do you plan when you do your home cleaning? Adding an extra 30 minutes to your cleaning time to clean out your car may save you time and money in the end. Instead of hitting the car wash and paying extra for vacuuming the inside of your car, keep a small vacuum cleaner inside your garage. The smaller cleaning tool will make it less cumbersome to use while cleaning out the small areas in between and underneath car seats.
- Organize. While you are cleaning out your car, take time to organize your car in a manner that will work for you. Do you enjoy listening to your music CDs or do you prefer listening to audio books? Whatever it is, place those items in your storage compartment next to you or above your sun visor. IPods have great stick-on holders that helps make your car neater and convenient to manage your tunes while on the road.
- Trash. Adding trash bins or bags to your vehicle can help you control trash inside your car. Cleanup will become a cinch when you use disposable bags. Try to be consistent where you place your discarded bottles and trash. It will be easier to pick up your trash if you remember where you threw your breakfast bar wrapper. Did you toss it in your trash bag or did you throw it in your back seat area?
- Use. Think of what is important to you when you use your car. Do you simply use your car to get you from one location to another or do you use your car for work? Do you use your car with children? Create your car environment to accommodate your needs. If you use your car for work, maintaining necessary work equipment near you is important while placing excess brochures or work tools in the car trunk or back seat may be convenient. Should you be transporting small children, keeping cleaning wipes and tissues nearby may be especially helpful to you versus a notepad. Place extra items such as zip lock bags, rubber bands, pens or pencils in a small bag inside your glove box or in a car pocket bag.
- Navigation. Does your car have a navigation system? If not, portable navigation systems are now available to assist you in your travels. Cars have excellent pockets and holders available to hold the new gadgets you decide to add to your vehicle.
- Trunks. Do not forget every car has a trunk ready to hold items you find necessary but not useful on a daily basis. Use your trunk space to hold extra pet leashes, extra trash bags, paper towel rolls, or a bag of cat litter when you find yourself stuck and need more traction for your tires.
Keeping a car organized means throwing out items that have been in your car for months and months but have never been used. If what you have in your car does not provide you with a safety use or will provide you with convenience, throw it out or place it in your trunk for use later. Many organizers are available to help you keep your car not only shiny but coordinated the way you need it to be.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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