Piles of documents, papers, and other files are a common sight in many working environments. It can become an easy solution to simply place papers on top of a pile if you aren't sure what to do with them, or if you just don't have time to deal with them at the moment. Unfortunately, this is not only an unsightly way to store you papers, but it can also cause problems when you are unable to find a specific important document because it is buried in a pile on your desk.
Even if you don't see these growing piles as an issue, you may still want to consider how much time and effort you could save if you were to implement a system of organization to keep things in order. This is where paper filing would become an ideal solution. By properly filing your documents, you can avoid ugly piles of disorganized papers as well as eliminate the problem of lost documents. If you take a few minutes using a few simple supplies, you can conquer your clutter problem and create a clean, organized workspace.
To tame piles of disorganized paper, you will need to start by breaking the stack into smaller sections. Begin by deciding which documents are actually junk, and put them in their own pile. Believe it or not, the odds are good that you have garbage in your pile and you didn't even realize it. Set paper into other sections of your choosing. These may relate to importance (very important, may be useful, interesting, etc.) or to the contents of the document (bills, articles, etc.). Place these in neat piles and prepare to file them into folders.
When you feel that your documents have been sufficiently divided into categories, place your papers into file folders. Label these folders clearly to let you know what is contained in each so that you can find your papers again wit ease. You can then place your files neatly on a shelf, in a box, or better yet, in a filing cabinet for storage.
Keep up your filing by making it a habit. Instead of allowing papers to be stacked on your desk, file them as soon as possible to prevent future build-up. By preventing piles of paper, you can keep your work area neat and organized and maintain a filing system that allows you to find exactly what you need easily.
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Bills can be a major pain, particularly when you don't have a whole lot of money to go around. However, by taking some ...
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Discover More2012-01-01 00:33:42
What about those papers that don't really fit in anyplace? I have numerous "Various" file folders but they just seem to create more mess and I tend to forget about them and create more--like a vicious cycle...help!
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