Banish Clutter to Unusual Places

Written by Doris Donnerman (last updated July 14, 2022)

No one ever seems to have enough space at home. How does a person go about finding the space necessary for being able to properly organize possessions and locations? If you are faced with the situation of having too much stuff, and not enough space in which to stuff it, then here are some ideas, tips, and strategies for finding all of the space that you need—and more!

One of the greatest methods for increasing storage space, making the area look as good as possible, and quite likely do it in such a way that no one even knows it is being done, is through furniture. This is not regular furniture though, but furniture that has multiple uses and purposes. For example, use ottomans that have built-in storage compartments. These can be easily found in most furniture stores and are the perfect place to store things like blankets, games, movies or simply anything that you can think of. Other examples of furniture with multiple uses would be coffee tables that have built in drawers or cabinets, or bookshelves. Bookshelves are some of the best possible storage devices out there. Shelves are great for storing everything imaginable, pretty much the only limit in this case would be your imagination.

When you are considering other types of furniture for your home, contemplate and ponder your purchase. Think if there is anyway at all that you can use that piece of furniture in new and creative ways. Basically ways that, while it may not be what it was originally designed for, are going to be effective for storage and functionality.

This type of creative thinking can be applied to any room in the home, as well as at the office. If you are running out of room in your cabinets, put in some lazy-susans. These devices are able to help increase storage capacity, make organization easier as well as providing easier access to your materials. In your bathroom try some other creative methods, such as hanging hooks on the wall, in order to be able effectively double the hanging space. Or you could also install some shelves between the sink basin and your toilet.

As a final suggestion for storage and organization try employing suitcases that are not being used for trips as a way to store holiday decorations, extra clothes that are out of season, or blankets. There are many different ways that you can store and organize your belongings, just...use your imagination.

Author Bio

Doris Donnerman

Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. ...


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