Getting the Most from Limited Living Space

Written by Cassandra Merkling (last updated April 21, 2022)


The key to getting the most from limited living space is to keep things as vertical as you can. Storage, for example, is great when you can keep things you do not need very often up high. That way it is not suffocating you where you are doing your living. Many specialty stores have attractive containers and shelving units that you can use in your living space. All you need to do is take some measurements, meet with a consultant, and the rest is fairly straightforward. Something that can cause a problem though, is the installation. So if you can't get the help you need with that, simply hire someone from the place you bought your shelving from to install it for you. That way, you do not have to worry about everything falling down when you least expect it to do so.

When it comes to furniture, try to get items that are small. Anything really big can really make you feel crammed into the space. Empty spaces where you can walk and simply breathe better are always welcome respites from the size of a small room. This means that overstuffed sofas are definitely out. You will also need to keep other furniture to a minimum, both in size and in number, if you can. Do your best to get items in your apartment to serve multiple purposes, like your kitchen table doubling as an island in your kitchen, so that you can use it to prepare foods upon as well as to serve said foods.

Also, keep only the things you really need around. You can, for example, get many books from the library, so retain only those in your living space that you can't get from the library and will need in the near future or that you use a lot for reference. E-books are another way to go if you can handle reading a book that is not a tangible object.

Consider using a separate space for storage of things you can't use in your living space but do not want to release from your possession. There are lots of storage lockers that can keep your belongings safe while you live your life elsewhere.

Author Bio

Cassandra Merkling


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2014-01-22 09:26:14


I'm from a family of avid readers; I've got a fairly good library of my own. I read my books again and again, often till I've memorized parts of them! My problem is a small apartment with limited space. Can you help me come up with ideas? I'd be much obliged. God bless you!