Kids Organizing Their Room

Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated June 8, 2021)

Kids organizing their room, it sounds like the favorite pipe dream of parents everywhere. However, it is actually possible. There are a few simple tricks, and methods that any parent can use to help get their kids to organize their own room. All it really takes is to use a little ingenuity, and to follow these simple guidelines.

  • Think like a child. Don't develop an organizing system that is too complex, or time consuming for your child. Remember that when you were a child you mostly simply wanted to have fun all the time. Apply this same philosophy to organizing a room as well. Try to make cleaning the room as fun as possible, or maybe even turning it all into a game as well. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas then ask your child what they think would be fun.
  • Simple is good. As was stated earlier, try to keep everything as simple as possible. In fact this can also be applied to the room as a whole. While it may be nice to have loads and loads of toys for your children to play with, remember that each of these will also need to be picked up as well. Create a simple and easy to organize space for your child to call their own.
  • Necessities. While grownups may find that large numbers of tools, and accessories can help when it comes time to organize, for children it is usually the exact opposite. Only have a few simple items, the necessities if you will, in the room for the child to use. Examples of this would be a small garbage can, hamper for dirty clothes, a dresser for clean clothes, and a toy bin—that's it. Anything more than that can only lead to confusing younger children. As children get older, their room and space can grow accordingly.
  • Involve the child. There is an old adage that goes something like "Teach a child when they are young, and they shall never stray." This is true in organizing as much as it is in anything else. The best way to get kids to organize their room, is to begin teaching them when they are young. Make it a habit, and involve the children, to pick up their toys, clothes, and books every night before they go to bed. When they get older, this will be such an ingrained habit that their won't ever get too bad again.

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Lee Wyatt

Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. ...


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